"Sweating the Assets": Labour's War on the Disabled


In September of last year, Keir Starmer reassured The Observer that his government was not “going down the road of austerity”. Now the chancellor has announced in the Spring Statement cuts amounting to several billions of pounds to Personal Independence Payments (PIP) and the disability-related part of Universal Credit (UC).

8 March Does Not Belong to the Bourgeoisie


International Working Women's Day, 8 March, is rooted in the struggle of the working class. Today, our class faces massive economic attacks from the same enemy that increasingly sees military conflict as the best solution to its crisis, and working women too often pay the price. · The picture is bleak for working women. In the US, the legality of abortion has been reduced in many states.

Mass Deportations Are an Attack on All Workers


On January 29th, the Laken Riley Act was signed into law by President Trump. The act is designed to enable the state to indefinitely detain and summarily deport immigrants no matter their legal status. Immigrants can now be simply accused of committing a crime, including non violent misdemeanors, and be deported without ever being convicted of any offense against the state.

Understanding Marxism, Capitalism and Socialism: A Review Article

(Richard D. Wolff, Understanding Capitalism (2024, Democracy at Work), Understanding Socialism (2019, Democracy at Work), Understanding Marxism (2018, Democracy at Work), · Richard Wolff, who is an academic Marxist and emeritus professor of economics at the University of Massachusetts, has a large following on YouTube where he presents a weekly programme on the global economic situation.

International Working Women's Day


Another International Working Women’s Day, another appeal for the class war! 108 years on from women proletarians launching the 1917 Revolution in Russia, we find the fundamental issues unresolved. · As a way of example, let’s call to your attention two key struggles in women-dominated sectors: · In New York City, homecare workers for the ill and elderly face grueling conditions, working sometimes...

Capitalism's Economic Foundations (Part VI)

(Part I ( – Part II ( – Part III ( – Part IV ( – Part V ( – Part VI) · "You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" (Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues, 1965) · Our analysis of capitalism’s underlying driving force which gives rise to periodic economic crises (the falling rate of profit and capital’s efforts to offset it) has brought us to the contemporary world and it’s now...

National Unity is Capital's Favourite Poison


On December 16, 2024, former Liberal Finance Minister Chrystia Freedland published her resignation letter from the cabinet, citing reservations concerning the Trudeau government’s approach to the crisis of living standards besetting Canadians. The letter claimed that Canada could “ill afford” dubious measures such as Trudeau’s tax holiday and had to focus on the impending American tariffs on...

Universities in Crisis: The Fight is On


The higher education sector is, by all accounts, a sinking ship. Lack of government support and a decrease in the number of international students have created a serious funding crisis. Some 80% of institutions could soon be at risk of deficit. Many have already announced redundancies, course closures, are scaling down catering provisions, changing work patterns or trying to outsource services.

Imperialist Tensions Are Heating Up The Arctic


Trump’s recent intentions to acquire Greenland and take over Canada show that the US is taking an increasing interest in the Arctic. The area is home to a huge number of strategic resources such as gas, oil, rare earths, gold, and lithium. The advantage of acquiring these for both economic and military purposes is obvious, not to mention the strategic geographical position of Greenland given the...

German Election 2025: A Contest in Racism and Inhumanity


So concludes a winter election campaign under the sign of Donald Trump that has been getting more overshadowed with each passing day by a toxic discourse on migration, declared the cause of all current social ills. The language of bourgeois democracy is taking increasingly nationalist turns, as is plain to see in the slogans on all the lampposts: “For a country we can be proud of again” (CDU(1))...

Climate Disaster Intensifying


This January it was made official: the year 2024 was the hottest on record at an average temperature of 15.10°C – 0.12°C higher than the previous record set in 2023, and 1.55°C above pre-industrial temperatures. The sudden surge of temperature has scientists worried; average global temperature is measured on a 10-year average, and it is unclear whether two consecutive record breaking years is an...

Munich Security Conference: The Worst is Yet to Come


We are still only going through the preliminaries but the guidelines have already been drawn up. Before the negotiations on “peace” between Russia and Ukraine began, JD Vance’s words, echoing those of his voluble president, are clear and unequivocal. First, however, we need to explain the framework for everything that is about to happen, both from the point of view of the new imperialist balance...


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